High-Level Meeting Between the MJIB and the FBI makes Innovations for Taiwan-US Law Enforcement Exchanges 

High-Level Meeting Between the MJIB and the FBI makes Innovations for Taiwan-US Law Enforcement Exchanges 

2022/12/8 上午 09:53:10

In October 2022, Director General Wang Chun-Li of the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB) and Director Christopher Wray of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) held a high-level meeting at the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Annual Conference held in Dallas, Texas, United States.

The Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau successfully tracked down and arrested the suspect of the Kryptonite Group MyCoin scam, X-Chi Chang, in Thailand and escorted him back to Taiwan.

The Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau successfully tracked down and arrested the suspect of the Kryptonite Group MyCoin scam, X-Chi Chang, in Thailand and escorted him back to Taiwan.

2022/7/4 上午 10:52:52

The joint effort of Taiwan and Thailand's judicial authorities delivers success! The Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB) worked with Thailand's law enforcement agencies to bring the fugitive X-Chih Chang, wanted for financial crimes, to Taiwan from Bangkok, Thailand on the afternoon of the 19th and transported him to the Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office (hereinafter referred to as "the TTDPO").

First Time in History! MJIB brought back two Taiwanese Convicts from Eswatini to Taiwan

First Time in History! MJIB brought back two Taiwanese Convicts from Eswatini to Taiwan

2022/4/11 下午 04:11:28

A new milestone for Taiwan–Eswatini judicial cooperation in criminal practices! The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) designated the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB) to execute the transfer of convicts from the Kingdom of Eswatini to Taiwan. In the evening of March 17, 2022, two Taiwanese nationals were escorted from the Kingdom of Eswatini, a Taiwan's diplomatic ally, to complete the remainder of their sentences back in Taiwan.

Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Australia, and Slovakia—have jointly held the 2022 Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) – Workshop on Combating Digital Crimes

Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Australia, and Slovakia—have jointly held the 2022 Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) – Workshop on Combating Digital Crimes

2022/4/6 下午 01:47:10

In June 2015, Taiwan and the United States jointly established the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF). Japan and Australia joined the framework in 2019 and 2021, respectively. By hosting training courses on shared issues, links were established between each of these countries, building upon their shared values. Since 2018, when the GCTF was first included under the scope of law enforcement, the Bureau has hosted four workshops under this framework. These workshops have been attended by almost one thousand law enforcement officials from various countries, and substantially expanded our international participation efforts, deepening the friendship between Taiwan, the US, and our global allies.

Investigation Bureau Uncovers False Information Intended to Jeopardize the “Nine-in-One” Election

Investigation Bureau Uncovers False Information Intended to Jeopardize the “Nine-in-One” Election

2019/5/7 下午 02:29:32

In October 2018, the Investigation Bureau investigated two false messages that were intended to jeopardize the “nine-in-one” election. Former Deputy Chief Liu of the Kaohsiung Police Bureau Sanmin Second Precinct was involved in posting forged sanction letters with Tsai Ing-Wen’s name to specific chat group on Line with the intent to influence voters. Another man surnamed Zhu was involved in posting images on the “Han Kuo-yu fan group” on Facebook that threatened 7 legislators, including Hsu Chia-ching, Deputy Secretary-General of DPP, and Chao Tien-lin. These two cases were transferred to the Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office for reference and processing.

Invasion of THSR's Ticketing System by “Genius Hacker” Solved by Investigation Bureau

Invasion of THSR's Ticketing System by “Genius Hacker” Solved by Investigation Bureau

2019/5/6 下午 05:23:16

In December, 2018, Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) actively reported the attack on its T-Express mobile ticketing system by a hacker to the Taipei City Field Division of MJIB. The hacker purchased one ticket from Nangang to Taipei at the fare of NT$40 and immediately canceled the ticket. When applying for refund, the hacker tampered with the parameter of the system's refund amount column, changing it to NT$200,000, all in order to deceive the system into carrying out the transaction. Fortunately, the back-end accounting system of THSRC identified the anomaly and promptly suspended the refund.

Hacker with Doctorate Caught for Using False Names as Military Informants

Hacker with Doctorate Caught for Using False Names as Military Informants

2019/5/6 下午 05:19:11

The Taoyuan City Field Division of the MJIB recently solved the case involving the hacking of email accounts. They arrested the supervisor with surname Huang of the information department in a military academy in Taoyuan. Huang had been accused of using his position to hack several academic email accounts of faculty members and sending false reports to the Complaints of the superior unit under their names from October 22 to 30, 2018. The act seriously affected the reputation and leadership prestige of the academy, so the institution pro-actively reported it to the Taoyuan City Field Division in order to safeguard the unity of the academy and the interests of the victims. The Information & Communication Security Section of the Taoyuan City Field Division investigated the case for several days and prepared sufficient digital evidence before applying to Prosecutor Yeh Yi-fa of the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office for instruction and investigation. On December 14, 2018, after interviewing the suspect Huang and related witnesses, the prosecutor considered the evidence sufficient and ruled on a NT$150,000 bail.