Release date 2017/04/06 16:01:11 Update date 2024/09/25 15:26:28


Scientific and technological methods are extensively implemented in MJIB's supportive investigation activities which are entrusted from various levels of judicial organizations for seeking out all the crimes. In recent years, by augmenting new high-tech equipment, training professional personnel and emphasizing research and development, the Bureau has been honored with valuable public praise in arena of scientific examination and identification at both home and abroad. Of these, processes carried out in the Bureau's laboratories can be classified as follows:

Chemical Analysis Laboratory:

The chemical analysis laboratory, also named Laboratory on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Investigation, Ministry of Justice, is the first drug analysis laboratory accredited in respect of ISO/IEC 17025 in Taiwan. The chemical analysis laboratory is responsible for criminal evidence identifications via chemical analysis. The major businesses of this laboratory comprise drug analysis, clandestine lab analysis, drug metabolite analysis and protected wildlife product analysis. All of scheduled I drug seizures and part of the other scheduled drugs have to be sent to this laboratory and there are more than 5,000 cases analyzed each year.

I. Drug Analysis

II. Emerging Designer Drugs AnalysisIII. Counterfeit Drug and Medicine Analysis

III. Counterfeit Drug and Medicine Analysis

IV. Clandestine Lab Analysis

V. Drug Metabolite Analysis

VI. Protected Wildlife Products Identification

Questioned Document Examination Laboratory:


Forensic science is the application of various sciences to the law. Forensic document examination consists of the application of sciences and analytical techniques to questions concerning documents. The examination of questioned documents consists of the examination and comparison of questioned evidence with known material in order to establish the origin or authenticity of the questioned material.


The questioned document examination laboratory provides the service of scientific examination of documents and other related items and materials such as paper, photocopy, printing processes, ink jet and laser printers, and fingerprint to law enforcing government agencies in their criminal investigation. The service is also extended to the forensic civil and criminal cases. It is the principal concern of the laboratory to ensure that high quality and reliable work is provided to the users of the laboratory service at all times.

Scope of Work:

The types of work provided by the laboratory can be divided into the following categories:

  • Examination of handwriting
  • Examination of seal, rubber stamps and rubber stamp impressions
  • Identification of printing materials such as banknotes, ID card and other negotiable securities
  • Examination of altered and obliterated documents
  • Visualization of indented writing
  • Development of latent fingerprint and identification of fingerprint

Examination of handwriting

Examination of seal, rubber stamps and rubber stamp impressions

Identification of printing materials

Examination of altered and obliterated documents

Visualization of indented writing

Development of latent fingerprint and identification of fingerprint

Key performances of research and development:

  1. Key performances of research and development
  2. Color Region Segmentation Based on RGB Vector Forensic Software (2007)
  3. The Use of Alternative Light Source Develops the Latent Handwriting on Document (2007)
  4. Approach for Classifying Compositions of Colored Inkjet Inks Using Spectra Techniques (2008)
  5. Use Specific Enhancement Techniques of Color Copier to Approach Questioned Documents (2009)
  6. It’s One, Not More – Counterfeit Currency: A Case Report (2010)
  7. A Simple Rapid Nondestructive Method for Differentiating Blue Pen Inks (2012)


Physical identification Laboratory:

The main missions of physical identification section are voice identification, firearms identification, and polygraph examination. Recently, there are about 1,200 cases, approximate 3,000 samples, implemented every year. The Physical Identification Laboratory has passed the ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation certified by TAF in 2021. This laboratory focuses mainly on Voice identification, Firearms identification, Polygraph examination and Image forgery identification.

Forensic DNA Laboratory:

Forensic serology laboratory, the forerunner of the modern forensic DNA laboratory, was established in 1958. The major missions of the former laboratory included causes of death investigation, biological evidence examinations and paternity tests which were entrusted by Courts and Prosecutors offices. Because the mission of cause of death investigation was transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Justice (formerly as Forensic Medicine Center attached to High Court) in 1990, the laboratory concentrates attentions from then on DNA technique developments and offers more DNA related examination services nowadays. In 2009, this modern laboratory passed the ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation certified by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) and proved to be the first accredited forensic DNA laboratory in Taiwan.
There are more than 600 cases, over than 10,000 samples, have to be analyzed each year. Lab works are divided into 5 types of work-station and staffs take turns being in charge of one of the work-station for four months. The workflow was designed to be as simplified and automated as possible in order to decrease operation errors, contamination and at the same time to increase work efficiency. Routine cases can be finished in two to three weeks following the standard operation procedures.
This laboratory offers services as follows:

  1. Physical evidence examination and identification
  2. Kinship test
  3. Wildlife parts and products examination and identification

Physical evidence examination and identification:

The specimens sampling from evidences produced in courts or crime scenes, such as blood stains, semen stains, cigarette butts, hair, weapons, human remains and urine from drug abusers can be analyzed in this laboratory. The body fluid identifications such as blood or semen stains should be performed at first and other samples identifications were done by certain methods. After the recognition step, the DNA extraction and PCR reaction could proceed accordingly. Usually the specimens were decomposed with smell, staffs must wear head caps, masks and gloves to protect both themselves and specimens and keep the specimens from contamination.

Kinship test:

Social welfare agency of local governments/ their authorized organizations, or civilians can apply kinship test directly to this laboratory, appointments should be made by telephone/fax or document application. The applicants must come to this laboratory by personally with their ID cards for saliva collections and fill in their recording sheets. The minimal expense for one sample test is NT$ 6,000 by conducting DNA STR profiling, additional charge will be paid NT$ 1,500 for one extra test in one sample by performing other profiling systems if necessary.
This laboratory offers all kinds of kinship identification included paternity/maternity, sibling/half-sibling, grandparents vs. grandchildren and further blood-related kinship tests to deal with the variety of clients’ demand.
For paternity cases, the samples will be profiled by 20 STR core loci and further mtDNA sequencing, Y STR and X STR identification will be performed if necessary to increase the likelihood ratio till over 10,000 and probability over 99.99%. For other kinship cases, the probability should reach over 99% to make a definite kinship conclusion.

Wildlife parts and products examination and identification:

According to Wildlife Conservation Act, it is prohibited to hunt and sell conserve wildlife parts or wildlife products. However, it is difficult to identify whether the traditional Chinese medicine adulterated with processed wildlife products by appearance as well as serology and immunology. This laboratory developed a method named mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence analysis on cytochrome b region to resolve this issue. The wildlife species were reported after retrieving sequences from NCBI BLAST databases.

Analysis equipment

Image Identification Laboratory:
Based on the provisions of The Code of Criminal Procedure and requests of law enforcement agencies in Taiwan, this laboratory administers image analysis and identification cases entrusted from various levels of judicial organizations. The scopes of analysis and identification involve face recognition and comparison (prints and digital images), monitored videotape image restoration, and image enhancement. These image samples came from the crime scenes, traffic monitored records, ATM systems and the films or videotapes are protected under copyright acts. There are approximately 80 cases have to be analyzed each year. Recently, this laboratory makes efforts in improving the quality of image analysis and identification through establishing face image databases, enlarging image analytical instruments and focusing on advanced studies.

Key performances of research and development:

  1. 「Study the utilities of the “Adobe Photoshop CS4” professional image processing software by LEVA practice experiences」(2011)
  2. 「Strengthen the application of the image identification reports in courts by LEVA practice experiences」(2011)
  3. 「Surveys in Face Recognition and its Related Hardware and Software Dealing with the Image Processing and Identification Cases from Court and Prosecutor」(2012)
  4. 「Surveys in Face Recognition and its Related Hardware and Software Dealing with the Image Processing and Identification Cases from Court and Prosecutor」(2012)
  5. Forensic Science Study Plan of Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice- Improving the quality and efficiency of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigations Program:「Surveys in Face Recognition Technology to Improve the Efficiency of Identification (1/2)」(2011)
  6. Forensic Science Study Plan of Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice- Improving the quality and efficiency of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigations Program:「Surveys in Face Recognition Technology to Improve the Efficiency of Identification (2/2)」(2012)

Contact information:

Headquarter: No.74, Zhonghua Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

  • Chemical Analysis Laboratory

Section Chief Mr. Ho

TEL:886-2-29112241 Ext: 3710

  • Questioned Document Examination Laboratory

Section Chief Mr. Tsao

TEL:886-2-29112241 Ext: 3720

  • Physical(Including Digital Image) identification Laboratory

Section Chief Mr. Tsai

TEL:886-2-29112241 Ext: 3730 

  • Forensic DNA Laboratory

Section Chief Mr. Lee

TEL:886-2-29112241 Ext: 3740