陳裕豐於96年1月至98年2月間,提供國際知名畫家趙無極等人畫作及朱銘木雕、瓷器等藝術品照片、圖檔,向多人展示後佯稱係透過合法拍賣高價取得,有增值空間,具收藏、投資價值並允以相當利潤,致多人匯款(或交付現金)至陳裕豐指定之銀行帳戶計新台幣二億九百三十二萬餘元。98年2月後,陳員因無法支付投資人本金利息,亦無法交付藝術實品予投資人,即潛逃出境。CHEN, YU-FONG during the period from Jan. 2007 to Feb. 2009 had provided art work photos and drawing files for the paintings of such famous painters as CHAO, WU-JI, etc. and wood sculptures, ceramics of CHU, MING, etc. to exhibit to numerous people and falsely stated that he obtained such art works through legal auction at high prices, with space for further appreciation in value, valuable for collection and investment and promised to offer considerable profit, causing many people remitted amount (or paid in cash) to the designated bank account by CHEN, YU-FONG, in total of more than NT$209,320,000. Feb., 2009, Chen escaped out of Taiwan because he was unable to pay both the principal and interest and deliver actual art works to the investors.