劉永暢、蘇美蓉夫妻二人,涉嫌炒作股票上櫃公司唐鋒實業股份有限公司股價,涉嫌違反證券交易法及洗錢防制法,犯案後於99年9月9日搭乘CX451航班潛逃出境,遭臺北地檢署發布通緝在案。LIU, YUNG-CHANG and SU, MEI-JUNG as a couple were suspicious to have involved with packing and cracking the stock price of an OTC company Airlux Electrical Co., Ltd., suspicious to have violated Securities and Exchange Act and Money Laundering Control Act who escaped stealthily outbound after committing a crime by taking a flight of CX451 on Sept. 9, 2010 and were announced by Taipei District Prosecutors Office with a circular order of arrest in file.