周秀娟係前富邦綜合證券公司延平分公司營業員,自92年4月起,未經主管機關核准,違法接受投資人全權委託從事期貨交易,並以偽造不實之買賣報告書等手法,讓客戶誤認交易獲利而持續加碼投資致生損失(約新台幣一億三千餘萬元),涉嫌違反期貨交易法。CHOU, HSIU-CHUAN as a business operator of the former Yenping Branch, Fubon Securities Co., Ltd., since April 2003, without the approval of the competent authorities, had accepted the futures trade business through consignment with full authority from investors, and by means of such methods as forging unreal trade reports, etc. to mislead the customers to consider profitability of the trade and continuously increase capital into the investment till the occurrence of loss (about more than NT$130,000,000), suspicious to have violated the Futures Trading Act.