黃俞瑞係博衍股份有限公司負責人(下稱:博衍公司),楊舜筑為黃俞瑞配偶,亦擔任博衍公司銷售及客服人員,渠等涉嫌於2013年以承攬標案採購為名,向他人詐取新臺幣987萬3,850元。HUANG, YU-JUI is the responsible person of Po Yen Co., while YANG, SHUN-CHU is the sales and customer service person of the company.The two accused during July 2013 stated to WU, CHI-HSIU that they needed to purchase material for the trade with CGWIC. WU, CHI-HSIU separately remitted amounts in US$30,000, $3,000,000 and US$200,000 to the company on July 9 and 13, 2013.