楊昌衡係易京揚公司負責人,黃慧光係頤兆公司負責人,2人分別自105、106年間起協助潤寅公司代表人及實際負責人楊文虎、王音之夫婦向星展銀行等9家金融機構詐貸新臺幣三百九十億餘元,涉嫌違反銀行法等案。 The Defendant Yang Chang-heng is the son of Yang Wen-hu and Wang Yin-zhi, and is listed as the company representative of Highlite Industries, Inc. From some time in 2010 to May 31, 2019, the Defendant helped the actual representatives Yang Wen-hu and Wang Yin-zhi to confirm personal information related to Highlite Industries, Inc. and Loomtech Industries Incorporation with 9 banks, counterfeiting proof of transactions and committed fraud with total illegal proceeds amounted to NT$15,153,102,152 and US$84,842,510.