任國龍係大陸上海龍峰企業董事長,與同案被告鄭文逸於105年7、8月間,共同謀議炒作大同公司股價獲利,由任國龍以地下通匯及境外轉帳匯款港幣2億元予鄭文逸,而大同公司董事會於106年5月11日改選,股票停止過戶日為3月13日,鄭文逸等對外佯稱爭取經營權,惟未持股辦理登記參加股東會,竟於停止過戶日前股價高點時,將證券帳戶內股票大舉賣出牟取暴利,實現獲利達11億1,400萬160元。The Defendant, Ren Guo-long, is the chairman of Shanghai Longfeng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. During July and August 2016, he conspired with co-Defendant Zheng Wen-yi to manipulate the stocks of Tatung Company. Ren Guo-long remitted the profit from the manipulation, which amounted to HK$200 million, to Zheng Wen-yi via underground banking and offshore transfers.An election for the Board of Directors of Tatung Company took place on May 11, 2017, while the book closure date for stock transfers was March 13 of the same year. Zheng Wen-yi and others claimed to fight for the managerial power of the company, but did not register their shares to attend the shareholders' meeting. Before the book closure date, they sold the stocks in the securities account in a large sum when the stock was at a high price to