王派宏、謝靜儀夫婦與友人林○蓉等集團成員,以網路社群平台招攬不特定多數人投資各項金融商品,自105年2月至108年4月底吸金逾新臺幣34億元,涉嫌違反銀行法。 Wang Pai-Hung, Hsieh Ching-Yi and co-defendants conspired to accept deposits and obtain capital and agree to pay interests, in order to attract members of the public to attend presentations and courses on wealth management. They solicited investors in the transportation and resale of gold and promised to pay interests at annual rates as high as 15-36%, with interests scheduled to be paid initially on a monthly basis. The Defendants were deemed suspect for the following offenses: violation of Article 29, Paragraph 1, and Article 29-1 of the Banking Act; illegal operation of banking business as specified in the latter part of Article 125, Paragraph 1; and fraud as specified in Article 339, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code before its amendment.