陳隆萊(馬來西亞籍)於103年2月間在境外籌組英國必贏博彩娛樂集團(下稱:必贏集團),為使必贏集團在臺灣順利發展,遂招攬周麟洋、王懷頡、謝昇晉、陳威廷、楊凱博等5人為臺灣區幹部,負責在臺灣之吸金規劃、講師訓練、會員招募、資金收取及紅利派發等業務。必贏集團以投資體運博彩套利保證獲利名義對外招攬會員吸金,投資者得以新臺幣(下同)15萬元至500萬元不等為投資單位,保證可領取高達投資金額25%至200%之報酬。至103年11月21日新北市處執行搜索約談為止,陳隆萊等必贏集團成員已以前揭手法吸金總計達8億餘元,且藉由大陸地下通匯業者將部分資金移往大陸地區規避查緝,涉嫌違反銀行法及洗錢防制法。 TAN LUNG LAI violated the Banking Act and the Fair Trade Act's provisions on multi-level marketing. In March 2014, Tan with other group members began advertising themselves as the UK Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as Bwin), a long-established sports betting company, and claimed that the company has recently switched to making most of its income through making hedged bets on specific sporting events, placing bets on different gambling platforms and taking advantage of the different spreads offered to make sizable profits each day. Tan Lung-Lai claimed to be responsible for the company’s overall Asia region fund-raising activities. For recruiting members using the claim of being able to make guaranteed profits by investing in this Bwin scheme, defendant TAN LUNG LAI and grou memebers are suspected to have committed fraud and violated the Banking Act.