李長安及李陳妙音明知「藍海地產集團」(包含臺灣藍海公司、泰國藍海公司)非依銀行法組織登記之銀行,不得經營銀行業務。渠等仍基於非法吸收資金之犯意,共同規劃湄南灣景酒店會所投資案,再由黃耀正負責契約條文擬定。自105年10月至107年10月間,共計招攬88人投資,非法收受存款總額合計6億800萬元泰銖。LEE, CHANG-AN and LEE CHEN, MIAO-YIN were aware that Blue Ocean Realty Co., Ltd. in Taiwan and Thailand was not registered as a bank in accordance with the Banking Act. They knew that it could not engage in banking businesses. Yet, with a common intent of sourcing funds illegally, they first jointly planned the investment contents of the Harbour View Residences, and HUANG YAO-ZHENG was responsible for drafting and formulating the contract clauses subsequently. From October 2016 to October 2018, they and the rest recruited 88 people to invest in this case and the total deposits received illegally amounted to 608 million baht.