蔣國樑係富邦金控公司前投資長,95年9月間以富邦人壽公司法人代表身分出任新竹商銀常務董事,獲悉渣打銀行將以高價收購新竹商銀股權之重大訊息後,指示渠配偶杜文,透過不知情之某證券公司經理所提供之4個人頭帳戶先行買入新竹商銀股票,在新竹商銀公告上開重大訊息後全數出脫獲利。CHIANG, KUO-LIANG, the former chairman of the executive committee of investment of Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd., with the status as a juridical representative of Fubon Life Insurance Co., Ltd. took the post as a standing director of the board of HIB (Hsinchu International Bank) in September 2006. At the time, having got inside trading news that Standard Chartered Bank intended to buy up all HIB’s stock rights with a high price, he instructed his wife TU, WEN to buy HIB’s stock through four innocent persons’ “poll accounts” supplied by a manger from some securities firm. When HIB publicly announced the mentioned news, he sold out all the HIB’s stock and thus he got a huge sum of profit in it.